Thursday 30 January 2014


“Today is the tomorrow you once talked about yesterday”
                                  –Arreytambe Tabot

If you haven’t realized this then let me say it again in black and white ink, “TIME WAITS FOR NOBODY!” We as a people have had such a warped understanding of time. We have adopted certain truisms that aren’t true without questioning their origin and authenticity. For example we say things like “Life begins at 40” who said so? Why would you wait to get to 40 to begin living when you can start enjoying everyday life today? People make resolutions to have a better New Year than the former but amazingly these resolutions never see the light of day. They find themselves sliding back into the very things that held them down thereby missing again every resolution they made in the New Year. At the time of my writing this post it is already 30th January, 2014 and 2 days to February. Sometimes we wonder where the time went to. I’m sure like me you can remember the 1st of January like it was yesterday. This is exactly how the time passes by and before you or anyone can say Jack Robinson, the year is over and we are again preparing to cross over into 2015. So knowing that time waits for nobody and also taking cognizance of the fact that today well lived will prepare you for a better tomorrow, what should you do before this month wraps up in order to be guaranteed a great year 2014? Here is what you should do… 

1. Retreat in order to advance
I know this point was supposed to come at the end of the year 2013 but I dare to share it here because I am certain that there are many of you reading this article who didn’t have a proper retreat before getting into the New Year. The importance of taking time out from work, family, etc. in order to spend quality time with yourself and God cannot be overemphasized. No matter how much of a planner you are without getting God’s input on the matter you are bound to miss it or hit it but still miss it because you hit the wrong target. Like I always say it makes no sense running up the ladder of life only to realize that it had been leaning against the wrong wall or running and finishing the race but getting disqualified because you ran in another man’s lane. So call a time out, get a book or two with you (I recommend THE COMPOUND EFFECT by Darren Hardy), your Bible, a pen and go to some place where you can have a quiet time with God. Avoid carrying things like tablets, phones and all. You won’t die if you don’t check your emails or Facebook for three days. 
    2. Be specific in your plans
    “I want to have a better year” and the question I will ask is “How better?” Saying you want to have a better year than the past doesn’t help you in anyway achieve your goal for a better year. It is not specific and when it comes to achieving goals you have to give your mind something to work with. The goal is the input needed by your mind which acts as the processor bringing together whatever innate abilities lie within you to full force so as to help in the achievement of that goal. For example a written goal like “I want to read web programming for 1 hour a day from 7a.m. to 8a.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday” is a specific goal which brings us to the next point. 
    3. Your goals must be measurable 
    Can you measure a better year? Of course not it’s too vague. But the goal I wrote in the previous nugget can be measured with precision and accuracy. All I need to do is come over to your place or wherever you would be studying between 7 a.m. and 8a.m. and I will find out if your studying web programming or not. If you can’t measure your goals, I guarantee you that the probability of achieving them is close to 0. 
    4. Beware of the pie in the sky 
    You also want to make sure that your goals are achievable if not you may end up experiencing burn out, frustration and eventually quitting. You can’t say that by the end of 2014, you would have saved a million dollars when your monthly income is not even up to a thousand dollars unless you’re planning to win it big gambling at the Casino tables in Las Vegas. News flash! You are far more likely to get struck by lightning on a dry day than win a million dollars gambling in Vegas. “But what about Multiple Streams of Income?” Yes, you may have multiple streams of income but the truth is this is still a very unrealistic goal. There is a famous saying that “Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” Remember everything happens in the process of time so don’t bite more than you can chew in a year. 
      5. Set realistic time frames 
      In other words, your major goals for the year must be broken down in smaller goals that can be achieved within a day, a month or a year. In this way what you are doing is that you taking care of the smaller things in such a way that they add up to the big picture. Another element worthy of note when setting realistic time frames for your goals is the concept of prioritization. You should ensure that you are spending more of your time on the most important goals rather than the least important ones. Don’t sweat the small stuff or the things that can be outsourced. Your time is your life. Let nothing steal that away from you this year. You also want to make sure that you eliminate procrastination completely or if you have to then it’s better to procrastinate on the things that steal your time. When you find yourself saying “I will, I will” wake up and just do it “Now”. 
      6. Be thankful in everything 
      You may be wondering what this has got to do with having a great year in 2014 but I will tell you that it has everything to do with it. A thankful spirit will do you more good than an ungrateful one. This is what brings every other thing into perspective. What if after doing everything you know to do, the results you expect don’t show forth? All you have to do is look at the one thing that worked and be thankful for it.  You are better off in many ways than many people so you ought to give God thanks for that. A living dog is better than a dead lion. If you are alive and still have breath in you then I assure you that there is hope for a turnaround. Keep your spirit alive and you will be sure to get what you desire. That’s the reason why I included this video from the Thanksgiving service of December 2013 at Family Worship Center, Abuja, Nigeria. It was after watching the video again myself that I felt like “wow God is really good!” That got me fired up and enlarged my vision for 2014. Make a decision to share with somebody what God has done for you and you will be amazed at the results. Thankful people are blessed people.


      If you need any further assistance on anything mentioned here please feel free to send me an email at and I would try to provide the best help I can to you. Have a great year 2014!!!

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