Friday 24 January 2014


If you have been around me for a while then you will know that one of the most frequent questions I ask people in every chat formal or informal is "What are you working on?" Without fail 80% of the time I hear people say things like "I am working on getting a good job" or "I am job hunting" and all its variants. I can't attempt to debate the fact that a well paying job in a great organization can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. In fact a good number of people do have what they call "dream companies" to work for. All of that's great. But can I tell you something that's even more better and sweeter than the 9 to 5 daily grind? It's PURPOSE. Now this is one thing that has been talked about, written about and heard by a countless number of people over the centuries yet few seem to get it right. This post however is not really about defining your purpose, discovering your purpose and what have you. There are very good books on the subject by various thought leaders. I strongly recommend that you get one from your local bookstore or place an order from wherever and get right into it. But what I want to drive home here is this. Every modern society can be divided into 7 spheres of influence and everyone of us without exception have been wired by our Creator to dominate one or more of these spheres of influence. Here they are in no particular order;

1. Spiritual
2. Government/politics
3. Business
4. Education
5. Media
6. Entertainment
7. Sports

Now here is a little fun exercise I have for you. Take each sphere of influence and see if you can find someone whose name has become synonymous with it because of the influence they have been able to exert in this sphere. Deal? Here is my own list according to the order given above;

1. T.D. Jakes
2. Barack Obama
3. Warren Buffett
4. Albert Einstein
5. Oprah Winfrey
6. Jay-Z
7. Lionel Messi

Questions to Answer.

-What's your list like?  (You can share it with me in a comment on this post)
-Where would you place yourself if you were asked to based on the 7 spheres?
-Are you really justified in doing so looking at the current level of influence you are having in that sphere?

If you had difficulties with the last two questions then it means that 1.) You haven't fully come to grips with where your greatest strength and call is. 2.) You currently are not making much of an impact in your sphere and that brings me to the last question.

How do I become a leader in my sphere of influence?

It's simple.

1.) Find your lane and stay on it no matter how tough it gets. You cannot be a leader in your sphere of influence by spreading yourself too thin. Many people are "jack of all trades yet masters of none". They have become that proverbial octopus on roller skates with so much motion in different directions and no tangible impact to go with it. Such a trait will kill your ability to become truly great faster than anything you can think of. Lionel Messi is known for sports not Business. Oprah is known for media not Politics. Warren Buffett is known for business not Entertainment. Find your lane, hone your skills and stay there until you hit it.

2.) Follow the leaders to become a leader. I am sure you have heard of the phrase "Today a follower, tomorrow a leader" or the phrase "He who can't follow can't lead." Who is your role model? Who are your mentors? Who are your 5 closest friends? All these questions must be answered with absolute clarity. Read biographies on successful people in your field. Find out what made them tick. Read books on them and get a respectable mentor who can see the potential in you and learn from them. Every leader you see today had someone they looked up to for counsel and direction. I repeat again every leader without exception had a role model or someone whose book they read and captured their ideals and made them theirs. No man is an island. You need a support system. 

3.) Don't follow the trend rather blaze new trails. We live in a world where everything goes. Today we hear that saggy pants are the "in" thing. We let our pants ride low sometimes showing off dirty boxers all in the name of "swag". Tomorrow it is about pushup bras and deep cleavages. Preachers begin to get into trouble during counseling sessions. The next time we hear that there are new parties in town where people are free to smoke weed, drink liquor and have sex. Hmmm, "yeah! get me tickets for two"...Helloooooo!!! Are you a thermometer or a thermostat? "But I will be seen as the odd one if I don't conform". Truth is the people who have made the most impact in their spheres have never been conformist to begin with. They set new trends not follow dying ones. (A more elaborate post on this particular point later).

4.) Lastly, Be a generational thinker. If you will sit for a moment and reflect on the decisions you are making today and how they would affect future generations tomorrow, you will doubtless make many amends. To become a leader in your sphere means you have accepted to take responsibility in creating and delivering the future you would desire your successors to live in. At all times this thought must guide our actions. Why would you want to play around with your future knowing that you only get to live once?Or why would you want to be known as the "baddest guy in town" knowing that some day you would have a family and kids to look after? Remember, whatsoever a man sows that and only that will he reap. Sow the right seeds and you will be glad you did.

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