Thursday 20 August 2015


As we count down to the D-Day, it is with great joy that I present to you the second speaker for our Google CS4HS 2015 event at the Nigerian Turkish Nile University, Abuja, Nigeria. He is a personal friend of mine and a very smart human being. The first time we met was at the Presidential Villa for the National Youth Online Protection Summit organized by the Office of the First Lady of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in collaboration with the International Telecommunications Union. He is an amazing person. I present to you Mr. Bulama Yusuf. He will be speaking to the teachers on the topic, Opportunities presented by Mobile Leaning: Transform, Engage, Improve.


Mr Bulama Yusuf is an enthusiastic application developer with over 6 years experience in building applications. Currently his core interests are cloud computing and mobile application development. He has built and deployed several cloud connected mobile applications in the past among which is an application that lets users engrave their signatures at places they visit, an application that monitors and reports the electricity status of a given location. Mr. Bulama has entered and won several mobile application building contests such the Google Android Challenge for Sub-Sahara Africa and Samsung Mobile Application Development Challenge. He has also lead several web development teams that built customized solutions for specific clients.

Mr. Bulama has keen interest in understanding how systems work and even more in building systems. He has recently picked up a new hobby which is programming micro-controllers and hopes to build useful things. With certifications such as Sun Certified Web Component Developer, Sun Certified Java Programmer and Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist Bulama has a wide exposure to several technologies and has held numerous training sessions within and outside Quanteq Technology Services. He is the current coordinator for the Google Developer Group and Java User's Group in Abuja which are both groups for technology enthusiast. He is also an Enterprise Application Developer & Solution Architect on the Sun Java Platform. 

Connect with Bulama on G+ or visit

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