Wednesday 27 May 2015

Educate A Child! Better A Nation!

Today we celebrate children's day all over this great country Nigeria and so I write this article in honor of every Nigerian child, residing somewhere on this planet called Earth. The Bible let's us know that children are a blessing from the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward. This therefore tells us that children should not be taken for granted because God himself cares so dearly for them.

Sadly enough what we see happening in our world today is appalling. Pedophiles carrying out despicable acts with little children, terrorists kidnapping, killing, and sexually abusing young girls, drug lords recruiting young boys as hit men and girls as sex slaves and the list goes on. Even the teens themselves are not left out. Many are engaging in premarital sex and getting pregnant. It's not uncommon to see two kids having a kid these days! How do they take care of the poor child? And so we are left with broken adults who have no clue as to why God created them in the first place. This has led to a marked increase in the number of abortions, suicide cases, drug abuse, and violence just to name a few. Meanwhile, this was never the plan of God to begin with.

In every child is a wonderful adult. The way you train up a child will determine if they grow up to become that great person who impacts their world for good and leaves their footprints in the sands of time or become a nuisance to society and probably die like a dog in the street. We as guardians, parents, mentors, teachers, etc. must take this to heart and do the right thing. Someone once said that, "It's possible for anyone to hit a home run, but an education gives you more swings and more outs in the game." And the Legendary Nelson Mandela crowned it all when he said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” I strongly believe in the power of Education to transform a child, youth and adult from a peasant into a President, from a mud house to the penthouse, and from no job to a corner office. This education has to be both formal (at school) and informal (at home) so that the child can grow up to be a well balanced individual. An intelligent child who lacks good morals is no different from a thug and like they say charity truly begins at home. Children must be taught respect people at home and then go to school to exercise their minds in their to be careers.

Shockingly according to UNICEF literacy figures in Nigeria,
  • 40% of Nigerian children aged 6-11 do not attend any primary school with the Northern region recording the lowest school attendance rate in the country, particularly for girls.
  • Despite a significant increase in net enrollment rates in recent years, it is estimated that about 4.7 million children of primary school age are still not in school, many do not complete the primary cycle.
  • According to current data, 30% of pupils drop out of primary school and only 54% transit to Junior Secondary Schools. Reasons for this low completion rate include child labor, economic hardship and early marriage for girls.
  • More than 200,000 new teachers are needed in Nigeria to ensure that there is one primary level teacher for no more than 40 learners.
  • Nigeria alone is home to an estimated 10.5 million out-of-school children.
It is for these reasons that the Edu Teens Science Development Foundation which advocates for STEM and CS training for junior and secondary school students came up with a program called Code2Schools. Through our Code2Schools program we are bringing the power of problem solving and critical thinking to junior and senior secondary school students between the ages of 9 to 18. We do so through an innovative approach to education that merges core technical skills in STEM and CS with entrepreneurial knowledge which will eventually transform these young minds from job seekers to job creators by the time they get to University.

So far we have been able to partner with Google on the CS First program where we teach scratch programming to junior and senior secondary school students using the Google CS First curriculum. It's been amazing and the children are loving it. In most of the classes I have personally taught, I found out that the girls performed far better than the boys and this made me smile considering that these fields are predominantly male dominated.

This Summer we will be organizing a Code Camp for 70 kids in order to teach them how to write their own games instead of merely playing one. We will be teaching Scratch programming, Mobile App development using MIT App inventor and some aspects of responsive web development. The kids will work collaboratively in teams and be tasked to work on real world projects which will build their technical skills. We believe in these kids and no one can tell if the next Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates or Steve Jobs might just be amongst them.

We want you to join us in this movement as we take computer programming (code) from school to school. Follow our campaign on Indiegogo here. Please donate today and help make a child's dream come true. And to all our Nigerian children I say, Happy Children's day!

Arreytambe Tabot is the Founder and CEO of the Edu Teens Science Development Foundation whose overall mission is to promote Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) and Computer Science (CS) through innovative ways that capture learner’s attention, emphasizes relevance, increases motivation and hence participation in these fields. He most recently released his first classic, "Planting The Seeds of Change: Preparing tomorrow's harvest with today's seed." He is a geek gone commercial, a public speaker and writer par excellence.

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