Sunday 28 September 2014


Isn't it funny that I would be writing about a blue, bald-headed guy from an animated movie? But that's exactly what I would be doing in this post. Megamind voiced over by Will Ferrell happens to be one of those animated superhero action comedy films I have watched for more than six to seven times. The story is about a guy who decides to become a villain and not just any kind of villain but the "baddest" of them all in the place where he lived called Metro City. He possesses unique gifts and abilities but was always treated as an outcast by his peers at school. He grew up in a prison where he was taught that evil was good and good was evil. He tried so hard to please his teachers and friends but every effort was met with rejection which made him feel worse about himself. On the other hand his arch rival, a handsome hunk called Metro Man was treated to much fanfare while Megamind was sent to quiet corner. But the movie ends with Megamind, the much hated villain dedicating a museum that had been built to his honor for defeating a ruthless villain he mistakenly created called Titan. Of course, he also got the girl Roxanne Ritchie too. After all don't they say the good guy gets it all?

Anyway what was Megamind's beginning like and what are the five lessons I learnt from his story? Megamind, a super intelligent extraterrestrial mastermind was born on a dying planet and sent off to earth in a capsule accompanied by his minion when he was barely a few months old. His father and mother remained behind and died with the other inhabitants of their planet during the explosion. But before he was sent off, he heard his father telling him what he was destined for. Unfortunately, all he could remember were the very first lines, "you were destined for...." because his little capsule's door closed up, setting his capsule off at lightning speed on a long journey to earth. It also happened that as he set off to discover his glorious destiny, a little handsome looking baby with great hair did the same too from another planet and they were all headed for the same destination, Earth. This little baby's name was Metro Man and it was on that day that their long lasting rivalry was born.

The 5 key lessons I learned from this...

1. When the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is imminent.

I have heard this phrase a countless number of times yet many do not truly understand how potent this statement is to set them free to pursue their calling. Megamind was destined for good not evil. But because he didn't get what his father told him, he spent his teenage years trying to gain acceptance amongst his peers and everyone else to no avail. He tried many times to be good but kept on getting bad results. Every attempt at doing something was met with contempt and at the end of the day because he didn't truly know what his purpose was he began to feel dejected and the next thing he resorted to was full scale evil.

There are many people today who are living the kind of phony lifestyles they have adopted because they felt as if being the guy or girl who didn't conform wasn't the "in thing" anymore. Every guy/girl is losing their virginity so why keep mine. Everybody is shagging around so who cares if I do it too. Hollywood marriages don't last therefore marriage must be old-fashioned. A couple of flings around is good for me. And I can go on and on. Like Megamind we came from a Kingdom above with clear instructions on how to live life down here on planet earth. But we have forgotten all that because we don't spend time with our Bibles which is our manual for living and instead we look to Celebrities, Billionaires, Athletes, TV commercials, Soap Opera's for how to live the abundant life in Christ. Christian Rapper Da Truth says it's like "Looking to Bruce Banner (Hulk) for anger management classes." Megamind misused his gifts and abilities because he didn't know what his purpose was.

2. Don't compete with anybody

Megamind spent his early years trying to out do his rival Metro Man and this was the major reason why he gave up doing good in favor of evil because he really couldn't measure up even though he too was extremely talented. Some people are naturally gifted at certain things. I mean if I try to compete with a Lionel Messi on the soccer pitch today, I will always feel inadequate and untalented meanwhile that isn't the case. God has blessed each and everyone of us with unique gifts and abilities and things that only we alone can do excellently well. Our job here on earth is to find out what those things are and do them to best of our ability. In that way we get to enjoy each others gift rather than trying to compete or out do one another. I love Lionel Messi and I enjoy watching him play soccer. I equally know that there are things I am naturally good at in other areas and everyday I work at becoming excellent at what I do. Never compare yourself with anybody rather work at being the best you year in year out.

3. Take responsibility for your life

Don't play the blame game. It doesn't help in anyway and neither should you adopt a victim mentality. You will be on the same spot till God knows when. I know someone who back in my University days told me the story of her life and lamented why so and so happened to her. I met her 4 years later and I was surprised that she sat me down and told me the same story I mean without missing a beat that she had told me 4 years earlier. What I then figured out was that she had told this story so many times it had become a rhyme to her. Megamind was disappointed about the fact that life had dealt him some very hard blows. Metro Man his arch rival was adopted by a rich family while he was adopted by prisoners. Metro Man went to school with the rich kids while he was brought in every day to school from prison. Metro man was given awards while he was sent to quiet corner. Was this his lot in life? Was he meant to be an underdog? There are certain things you can't change in life like where you were born or the family you were born into and a host of others. But you can determine to a very large extent how your life pans out because tomorrow is always better than yesterday for those who will take care of their today. Don't use excuses to stay in a rut. Get out of that rut and make something meaningful out of your life. Megamind finally got this message and in the end got the girl he loved and a stature of honor to his name.

4. Beware of your closest associates.

One thing you need to be careful about is who you associate with. There are people who have lost lucrative jobs and deals because the people they hung around with gave off a strong negative vibe. Some have even been jailed because their friends committed a crime and they were innocently arrested too since they hung out together a lot. If you know where you are going in life and what you hope to accomplish then begin to choose carefully the people you hang out with. Preferably your closest associates should be people who share the same values with you and who motivate you. Megamind's closest associate was his minion who felt that he was destined to be an evil genius and praised him for being so. The moment he began to realize that Megamind was becoming soft, he rebuked him sharply and told him that evil was all he was good at. He eventually fell out with Megamind and left him because he was becoming good. Doesn't that sound like you? Bad friends never want to see you climb out of the pit. They will either pull you down with them or insult you from afar. Stay away from people who don't add value to your life.

5. Be Real

One of the reasons why Megamind almost lost the love of his life Roxanne Ritchie was because he deceived her into thinking that he was Metro Man's Museum Curator who went by the name of Bernard. He didn't see himself as good enough as he was to attract the beautiful Roxanne. There are many people today who spend their entire lives living like other people. They spend an awful amount of money on designer stuff, hair, makeup and all what not trying to fit into an acceptable social mold or what the media has defined to be the epitome of true success. Just be yourself and people would accept you the way you are. I once heard a man say, "What you compromise to keep, you will eventually lose." And the truth is every lie always need another lie to cover it up. That is why there are no successful liars for one day the hidden truth would eventually be revealed. Let people know who you are and if they accept you that way then good if not they can bounce right along. God's arms are wide open to receive you. When Megamind was discovered, he finally came out with the truth about himself and surprisingly enough the lady loved the real him more than the fake identity he had been carrying along for a while. Some people are paying the price today for the lies they told yesterday or the personalities they adopted just so they could belong to a certain clique or keep up with the joneses. It's not worth it. In the words of John Mason, author of An Enemy Called Average, "You were born an original don't die a copy. "

Friday 5 September 2014


You may be skilled at the art of planning but without effective time management skills your plans will fall to the ground like a two dollar suit case. So what is time and why must we manage it efficiently?

Time is defined as a point or period at which things occur.

Now listen, to this Time is an equal opportunity employer. Meaning that we all have the same amount given to us on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. But what you make of it determines where you stand at the end of your sojourn here on earth. There are certain things that are inequitably distributed for example some people were born into rich homes while others into poor homes. Some people go to Ivy League schools while others studied in the village. Some people earn millions every year while others struggle to make ends meet. Some countries have more sunlight than others. Some places are colder or hotter than others. But one thing is common to all men on planet earth irrespective of their time zones, they all use the same currency called Time which once spent can never be regained. So we need to spend it wisely. We have to begin treating time like money as the old saying goes, “Time is money.” Well, that is half true. The mere passage of time doesn’t make anyone rich but rather the effective use of time brings about a sense of fulfillment, joy, laughter, confidence and rest. We all have 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, and 365 days in a year. So why is it that some people achieve a lot given the same time while others go around wishing they had more time? It is because they are poor time managers. Now answer the following questions;

·        Are you usually punctual or late?
·        Do you finish things within the time you stipulate?
·        Do you hand in your reports/work on time?
·        Are you able to accomplish what you want to do before deadlines?
·        Are you a good time manager?

If your answer to these questions was “No” then it implies that you are poor at time management and I am here to help you become good at it. Even if you can say with absolute certainty right away that you are a good time manager, I know that there is always room for improvement.

Effective time management tips.

  •  Create a daily plan

  • Make up your mind to be early no matter what

  • Peg a time limit unto each task

  • Prioritize tasks (Do the A tasks before the Bs and Cs)

  • Always have a jotter with you.

  • Track your time spent

  • Eliminate time wasters

  • Learn to say “No”

  • Focus

  • Don’t sweat the small stuff

Things to Remember
  • He who fails to plan; plans to fail. Your life wouldn’t run on autopilot. You have to make a conscious effort to take the reins and direct it in the way you want it to go.
  • If you don’t manage your time wisely, someone else will use your time, skills and abilities to help them achieve their own desires.
  • Learn to delay gratification. Pay now and play later not the other way round. If you will invest your time wisely now that you are young, the time will come when you will have more time for leisure and to enjoy the finer things of life.
  • There is more time than you think you have. Stop complaining about the fact that you need more time. What you need rather is better management of it.


A wise man once said, “That he who uses yesterday’s ideas in today’s market wouldn’t be in business tomorrow.” Insanity is usually defined as doing the same thing over and over again yet expecting a different result. Success is a habit and so is failure. But you aren’t truly a failure until you quit trying. However, failing successively may dampen ones moral and end up becoming a bad habit and bad habits are not easily broken. Why? A habit as defined by the American journal of psychology is more or less a fixed way of thinking, willing, or feeling acquired through previous repetition of a mental experience. Old habits are hard to break and new habits are hard to form because the behavioural patterns we repeat are imprinted in our neural pathways.

REMEMBER THIS, How you think determines how you feel and how you feel determines your will. We must be mindful of this because the Bible tells us in Proverbs 23:7a, For as he thinks in his heart so is he. You eventually become what you repeatedly think of. If you think you are a good for nothing fellow then that is what you will become. If you think that you cannot pass an exam, then you will eventually fail. So we must guard our thoughts carefully. The decisions that gave you a certain level of success in 2013 won’t produce the same results for you in 2014. We need to grow. We need to move up higher by making a conscious effort at self-development. That is where goal setting and effective time management come into play. Now let me ask you a few questions,

1.      Have you thought about what you want to be doing in five years' time?
2.      Are you clear about what your main objective at work is at the moment?
3.      Do you know what you want to have achieved by the end of today?

If you want to succeed at any level, you need to set goals. Without goals you lack focus and direction. Imagine playing a football match without a goal post. How do you get to know who has won? In the long run frustration would be the end result. Goal setting not only allows you to take control of your life's direction; it also provides you a benchmark for determining whether you are actually succeeding. As a student you have to set academic goals at the beginning of the semester and manage those goals throughout the academic year. As an Entrepreneur you have to set goals for your business and continually refine and manage them over a set period of time. As a Pastor you have to set goals for the Ministry and manage those goals over a set period of time. Even family’s do set goals. Nobody is exempted from goal setting because that is what gives you the drive to keep on going when the going gets tough. You must have heard of the famous maxim which says that, “when the going gets tough, the tough get going.” I would like to add that this is true only for the man who has goals. 

What is a Goal?

A goal is a desired result a person envisions, plans and commits to achieve.
Goals must be SMART


There are two categories of goals; Short-term and long-term goals.

Short-term goals can go from one day, to one month, one year or even up to five years while long term goals can go from five years and upwards. The interesting thing about goal setting is that the long terms goals are dependent upon the short term goals. In other words, achieving your short term goals will bring your long term goals to pass faster than you ever imagined. That is why what we do on a daily basis matters a lot. Many students would rather wait until an exam is announced before they start putting their legs inside cold water, drinking Coca-Cola or Nescafé all in a bid to stay awake the whole night. Meanwhile if they had started reading their books from day one of the class they wouldn’t have had any reason to do these things. Little wonder a wise man once said that, “the future you hope for comes in one day at a time.” If you will commit to achieving your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals then life will become more fun, less stressful and very exciting. The number one cause of stress in many people’s lives is the sense of failure that comes with not achieving one’s goals.
To accomplish your goals, however, you need to know how to set them. You can't simply say, "I want" and expect it to happen. Goal setting is a process that starts with careful consideration of what you want to achieve, and ends with a lot of hard work to actually do it.

The Golden Rules for Goal Setting

  • Set Goals that Motivate You (The why factor)
  • Make sure your goals are SMART
  • Write them down
  • Make an Action Plan
  • Stick with it
Things to remember
  • Success in any field requires forgoing excuses and justifications for poor performance or lack of adequate planning.
  • Be flexible and willing to revise your goals. Don’t become so locked in on your goals to a point where you develop tunnel vision. It’s like being so determined to score a goal without realizing that the goal post has shifted or been removed.
  • Get an accountability partner. This is someone who has similar goals with you and one you can trust to share your goals with. Meet regularly to review each other’s goals and well as reward yourselves for their accomplishments.
  • Don’t sweat it even if you don’t accomplish some of your goals. Some people get to a point where they become so obsessed with their goals so much so that missing to achieve one of them appears as if the whole world would come crumbling on them.
Performing at your peak isn’t rocket science. With a proper understanding on how to set goals and achieve them, you are more than half way up the ladder of greater achievements but not without understanding how to manage your time effectively.

Monday 25 August 2014



Have you ever considered yourself to be a failure? Have you been so drawn to depression to a point where you despaired even of life and felt like taking it away would have been the easier way out? I have been there before and so I know how it feels and what it is like to be in that position where it appears as if after all the effort and struggle, you only turned out to be one of the most epic failures that ever walked the earth. Life's hard, real hard, incredibly hard!!! Sometimes we wonder why things happen the way they do. When I think about the abducted girls in Nigeria who up on till today 25th August, 2014 have not been found, it really breaks my heart. I sometimes ask myself questions like what could they possibly be going through? How would they be feeling in the heart of that forest or wherever they may be now? Why would such a thing befall them I mean for crying out loud they had better dreams and aspirations concerning the kind of life they wanted to lead. Not being separated from the rest of the world and taken into some forest like wild animals. Or when you think about the struggles some people have to go through from the time they were born to the time they die. All these questions are questions you and I can't answer.

Well, this only happens to poor people you may say. With wealth and influence why would I have to consider myself a failure? Surprisingly, the rich and seemingly successful are not exempted too. They sure do have their own major issues. We hear countless stories of successful Hollywood actors, actresses,  movie producers, Grammy Award winning singers and songwriters committing suicide or going to rehab on a daily basis. At the root of this most times is the feeling of being a failure despite everything and the need for the void within their souls to be filled by something far greater than owning private yachts and beaches in choice locations around the world. A Grammy award or a couple million bucks, Bugatti's and Bentley's don't mean a thing to a dead man and neither does a Nobel Prize matter to someone suffering from cancer. At the end of the day, it all boils down to what really matters to us in life. There are people who have bounced back from besetting circumstances to make an impact in life while others in the same situation or even better have chopped it up to their last glorious failure and called it quits. Failure is not a destination unless you make it so. It is normal to fail in life but the lessons learned are of tremendous value. Mark Twain once said that, "He who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way." There is something that trying and failing does to a man that one hundred hours of speculations and analysis wouldn't do. My first venture in the start-up world turned out to be a massive failure and more embarrassingly ended up at the Police Station! I had never seen myself in such a position but yes it resorted to that as the final solution to settling the dispute. 

As fresh graduates from the University, we started a non-profit making organization to help inspire people to live a more impactful life by bringing positive change to their communities and the wider world. I had the privilege of leading this organization as its first President and Board Chair. As entrepreneurial as we all were, after months and months of market analysis and feasibility studies we came up with a well-thought out and written business plan for a "Call Box" business. We got an attendant and a great location as well as a manager to handle operations. It felt good to be an employer of labour as we bragged in our own little way of reducing the rate of unemployment in our country by 2 people. That was no small feat! We had big dreams to grow our business to become one churning out huge profits annually but little did we know what awaited us. As the months counted upwards, our revenue counted downwards. We finally decided to pull the plug on this money sucking beast as we kept raising and dumping money into this thirsty Black hole. I set up an adhoc committee to find out what was going on. It was there we discovered some very nasty things that had been taking place under our eyes;
  • The attendant had used the salary we were paying her to buy her own phone and was now using our location, desk and everything to push her own business forward.
  • The attendant for a while had not been going to work under the guise that she was sick.
  • The attendant literally used that spot and its perfect location to begin another business of selling fruits and certain other provisions.
  • The manager we appointed had not been following up on the business as he ought to have. 
  • The manager refused to pay the attendant at some point and this caused her to seize the phones we gave her for the business thereby stalling operations until we were ready to pay her what we owed.
  • And finally, we didn't know anything about all of this making it one heck of a mess!
The day we decided to confront the attendant she told us that she wasn't going to give our phones back. And that was how we found ourselves in the nearest Police Station. In the end our initial investment and the extra funds we had raised later to push the business went down the drain.  We lost everything and finally had to liquidate the remaining assets to get something to even share amongst ourselves. We failed and I who happened to be at the helm of leadership, holding its reins as President and Board Chair considered myself to have been one big failure! But the good news here is that the experience prepared me for many other things that were going to come down the road. Today I run a company I founded, OpenKollabo Technologies. It is doing well and above all we are here for the long haul.

Friday 25 April 2014


A couple of years back I was speaking to a small group of people and my opening question to them was, “What is your personal definition of success?” The answers I got were amazing. Here are some of them in no particular order;

  •  Making a lot of money
  •   Running a Fortune 500 company
  •  Having enough to help me take good care of myself and family
  •  Being able to travel the world in my own private jet, owning an expensive house, cars and a yacht

And much more. Bottom-line is success will always mean different things to different people because we all have different worldviews. Personal success is very subjective as it depends on the inherent values imbued in every individual. For some they believe a good looking bank account will settle it for them. For some people they find their success in the success of others while for another lot it's in the shiny things. This varies from individual to individual. In my opinion I see success as wrapped up in three things. You can call them the 3 P's. People, Planet, Profits. Let's break it down;

People- Everyone I can influence for the Kingdom using the gifts and graces I have been endowed with by our Heavenly Father. I am a people person. My desire is to see people move from point A to point B because of the value I added to their lives. It gives me joy to see someone who was weak in an area which happened to be one of my strengths grow to become a better person as a result of my positive influence upon their lives. There is nothing more fulfilling than a life of service. And the reason why I put people first is because if you genuinely make it your aim to add value to people, profits will undoubtedly come pouring in like an avalanche. No one who serves goes empty handed unless they never did it out of a pure heart. The mistake many people make is that they try to do things for people with the mindset that those same people will in turn return a good favor. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! It doesn't work like this. Most times the people who end up giving back to you are never the people you helped. If you run a business my advice to you is that you put people first and profits will come. That's why customer service is so important. If you suck at service delivery (leading to disgruntled customers) you will begin to lose market share and hence profit share to your competitors. On the other hand one satisfied customer might just be your ticket to your next top notch job. So put people first!

Planet- Being able to make a positive impact on my community during my lifetime and beyond it. Many companies today are making huge profits at the expense of their communities. We have seen places that have been ravaged by deforestation. We have seen communities that have been torn apart due to oil exploration. We have seen people living in very rich communities yet staying very poor because of the profit-focused motives of an elite few. The younger generation must be educated. Schools therefore have to be built to that effect. Orphanages for orphans, Homes for the homeless, and much more.

Profits- Having money, I mean enough money or better still more than enough money to take care of myself, family and those around me in need. Money is a medium of exchange and a very important agent in today's world. Having delivered excellent service and added value to people's lives, provided and taken good care of one's community, making some good profits then would not be a bad idea. You need money to build roads, fight malaria and cancer, feed the hungry, take care of widows, in fact you need money for everything. However, money must be gotten the right way. Not by defrauding people or every other illicit scheme but through providing valuable service in exchange for it. Everybody wants to live a good life as well as leave an inheritance for their children's children (generational thinkers) but we must get it the right way. There is nothing absolutely wrong with making good money.

Now the next question that crops up is, "how do we achieve success?" Good question. In my opinion there are two ways to do this. I describe them as the Linear path and the Non-linear path. Let's look at the linear path for a moment

       The Linear Career Path
Undergraduate degree + Law school + bar exam = Life of a Lawyer
I think we are all aware of this path and can by ourselves also craft out linear equations for other fields. It's the conventional path. It is the path our parents told us to follow if we ever wanted to make anything out of our lives. "Stay in school, get good grades and become a Medical Doctor, Lawyer, Banker, Accountant, Engineer and what have you." For those who love playing it safe, it is the best path to take. Is it a rewarding path? Yes, it is. There are people who have made a fortune by following the linear career path. If you know your onions then you can command very fat paychecks. However, I do advise against the payday mentality where people end up living from paycheck to paycheck without any significant investments towards their future. It won't hurt to have multiple streams of income. In fact that's the right thing to do! I have seen people leave from paid employment after putting in decades and decades of service only to end up as broke as the word itself. Depending on a salary is not the best way to live out one's life because you will always be at the mercy of your employers. However, with some financial wisdom, you can make the most of the paid employment system and still retire to a very comfortable life.

  The Non-Linear Career Path

Can't be captured in a linear equation

 Our second path which I call "The road less travelled" because it is no surefire way to success is the non-linear career path. It starts off with a dream, a passion, call it whatever you want to call it but that thing that tells you, "There's gotta be more to life", Yes to make a dent in history, to disrupt an entire industry, to blaze new trails, to make a difference in life. As you can see they too are very much educated but that happens not necessarily within the four walls of classroom for the word Education comes from the latin root word, "ēdūcō" which means to grow from within and has nothing to do with BSc's, GPAs, MSc's, PhDs or MBA's. However, getting a good degree especially in this part of the world won't hurt either. For such people, passion fans the flames of innovation while creativity ignites that passion. If the end could be determined from the beginning, many more would sure follow this route because it's exit has written on it "Financial independence". Meaning you don't have to suck up, lick up or tolerate anyone's naughtiness. It also truly affords one the time to focus on the things that truly matter to you while having a good time with the people that matter most-Family. Unfortunately, it is a path also overlaid with so many sorrows, disappointments, failures and risks. It is not for the weak in heart. It is not for the one who's focus is on the immediate. But in the end you are always the better for it. These are the people who control the financial and money markets. These are the people who create jobs and grow economies. These are the people who make things happen rather than watch things happen to them. Whichever of the two paths you choose is entirely up to you.  

Keys to becoming the best YOU.

There is no better time to be alive than today. I always say that today well lived prepares you for a better tomorrow. That is why we have to maximize the time we have in our hands right now. No sitting on the couch all day watching TV. Go to work on becoming the best YOU that you can be. Because it is when you are at your best that you begin to command value and money becomes the medium of exchange for your services. Unfortunately, many people don't get this especially today's youths. We are running from pillar to post in search of the next "How to make 1500 dollars a day from home" and all what not. We need to wise up. How do we do that. Five keys I must share with you,

  • Start Right where you are today - Kill the procrastination cycle by starting today. You will never be able to figure everything out before beginning for no one can know what tomorrow holds but you can start today and then take calculated risks as you move along.
  • Be your future self- Become today the person you will want to be tomorrow. See yourself as that top notch consultant, CEO or whatever and carry yourself that way. Imagination and hard work have a way of turning vivid pictures in our minds into tangible success.
  • Become an Expert in your chosen field- People don't pay for mediocrity, they pay for expertise. So you want to become an authority figure in your field. Aim to be in top 5% in whatever field you find yourself in. Read, Read and Read! 
  • Build your support system- Have a very robust network of A-list people who challenge you to grow and become all that you want to be. Stop spending time with people who only sap your creative energy rather run away as fast as you can from them. You are usually two to three people away from anything you want to get. Make sure your two to three friends can actually get you to whomever and whatever you are looking for. 
  • Trust time- I have come to realize that time is a friend and not an enemy. Young people always seem to be rushing through life. They want to get a PhD by 19,  make a million dollars by 20, get married to a super model by 21, pay cash down for that Lamborghini by 22 and the list goes on. And what do we see happening around us today? Young people are dying before their time due to their involvement in so many illicit activities. Time is a friend. God would have made the gestation period of a woman to be 1 day if He wanted to but He made it 9 months for a reason. There is no overnight success. Somethings just can't be fast-tracked. I think "Success" is one of them unless you want to play now and pay later.
          My final thoughts
  1. It is far more better to try and fail than to fail at not trying
  2. Don't wait for the right idea because even the right idea changes once it has been set in motion. 
  3. Ideas are only as good as their time of conception